COVID, Cold, and Flu Care Clinic

clinical Assessments, Antiviral medication & PCR Testing


Quick Links

PCR Testing Information

Antiviral Treatment Information 

General Questions

COVID Information


The Erie Shores HealthCare COVID, Cold, and Flu Care Clinic is a medical clinic that can test, assess, and provide treatment for people with COVID-19 and other cold and flu-like illnesses.

Services at the COVID, Cold, and Flu Care Clinic include clinical assessments, antiviral medication, and PCR testing for eligible patients.


Book your appointment below. If you are having difficulty, CLICK HERE.


You can also book an appointment by calling 519-326-2373 extension 4263 (have your health card ready). Appointments are made by availability.


COVID, Cold & Flu Clinic FAQ

What is a COVID, Cold, and Flu Care Clinic?

A COVID, Cold, and Flu Care Clinic is a medical clinic that can test, assess, and treat people with COVID-19 and other cold and flu-like illnesses.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19 and other cold and flu-like illnesses?

Below are some of the symptoms you may have when you have COVID-19 or other cold and flu-like illnesses:
  • Fever or chills
  • Cough (not related to other causes such as allergies)
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Decreased or loss of taste or smell
  • Runny nose or nasal congestion
  • Headache
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle aches or joint pain
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms (such as vomiting or diarrhea)
  • Abdominal pain (not related to other causes)
  • Pink eye (not related to other causes)

When should I visit the COVID, Cold, and Flu Care Clinic?

Call your primary care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner) first if you or your child have the symptoms above and feel that you need medical care.


Your primary care provider will give you advice about what to do next. This may include:

  • Caring for yourself or your child at home
  • Seeing your primary care provider either virtually or in-person
  • Going to a clinical assessment centre
Consider visiting the COVID, Cough, and Flu Care Clinic if:
  • You do not have a primary care provider
  • Your symptoms or your child’s symptoms are getting worse or are not improving, and you feel that you need medical care.
  • You have been told by any health professional to go to a clinical assessment centre.
  • You are at high risk of getting very sick from COVID-19, and you qualify for COVID-19 testing and treatment.
  • You can also consider contacting Health Connect Ontario or a walk-in clinic. At Health Connect Ontario, you can get advice from a nurse at any time of day by calling 811 or by online chat at
  • You might also find this tip sheet made by family doctors helpful. It provides tips on deciding when to seek care for a child with respiratory illness and how to support your child at home.

Will I get antiviral treatment if I have COVID-19?

Antiviral treatment is available for people who are at high risk of getting very sick from COVID-19. Use this screener to see if you are eligible:
If you are eligible and think you might have COVID-19, don’t delay. You will need to start treatment within 5 days. Call your primary care provider, come to the COVID, Cold, and Flu Care Clinic, or contact Health Connect Ontario by calling 811 or by online chat at

When do I need to go to the emergency department?

If you or your child develop severe symptoms, call 911 or go to the emergency department.


For adults, severe symptoms include: 
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Confusion
For children, severe symptoms include:
  • Working hard or straining to breathe – for example, the lower chest is moving in more than normal when the child breathes, the child is grunting, or the child’s nostrils are flaring
  • Bluish skin
  • Unable to breastfeed or drink
  • Very sleepy or difficult to wake
  • Peeing less than usual
  • Fever with a rash
  • Seizures or convulsions
  • Fever in an infant younger than 3 months
If you are worried your child is seriously ill, call 911 or go to the emergency department.

What if I can't make it to the clinic?

Community-based supports are available for health assessments and testing. 

Mobile. Medical. Support. operates a mobile clinic that sets up in areas across Windsor and Essex County. To find out where they will be next, visit this link: You can find more information here, including how to request the mobile clinic visit your site.

Clinical Assessments

People with worsening COVID or flu-like symptoms may benefit from a Clinical Assessment. A physician or nurse practitioner will conduct the clinical assessment, including assessing oxygen saturation and vital signs and identifying relevant risk factors. Following the assessment, the patient could be sent home, receive a prescription or possibly referred to the Emergency Department for further testing. You should bring a list of your medication and any important medical conditions to your appointment for a clinical assessment.

Chart of Mild, Worsening, or Severe symptoms

If you have one or more of the following symptoms, you should immediately call 911 or go to the emergency department:

  • Severe difficulty breathing (struggling for each breath, can only speak in single words)
  • Severe chest pain (constant tightness or crushing sensation)
  • Feeling confused or unsure of where you are
  • Losing consciousness

PCR Testing

The provincial government has changed the eligibility criteria for PCR testing. To be eligible to receive a PCR test at the Erie Shores HealthCare COVID Assessment Centre, you must meet one of the following criteria:


Symptomatic people who fall into one of the following groups

  • People aged 60 years of age and older
  • People aged 18 years of age and older who have one or more comorbidity that put them at higher risk of severe COVID-19 disease
  • People aged 18 years of age and older who are unvaccinated or have not completed their primary vaccine series
  • People aged 18 years of age and older who completed their primary vaccine series AND received their last COVID-19 vaccine dose more than 6 months ago AND have not had COVID infection in the past 6 months
  • People who are immunocompromised
  • Pregnant people
  • Patients seeking emergency medical care or other outpatients for whom a diagnostic test may guide clinical management at the discretion of the treating clinician
  • Patient-facing healthcare workers
  • Staff, volunteers, residents/inpatients, essential care providers, and visitors in the highest-risk settings. Highest risk settings include: 
    • hospitals (including complex continuing care facilities and paramedic services)
    • congregate living settings with medically and socially vulnerable individuals, including, but not limited to, long-term care homes, retirement homes, First Nation elder care lodges, group homes, shelters, hospices, correctional institutions, and hospital schools.
  • Household members of staff in the highest-risk settings and patient-facing healthcare workers
  • Home and community care workers
  • International Agriculture Workers in congregate living settings
  • People who are under-housed or experiencing homelessness
  • First responders, including fire, police and paramedics

Symptomatic/asymptomatic people:

  • Individuals who are from a First Nation, Inuit, or Métis community, and/or who self-identify as First Nation, Inuit, and Métis, and their household members
  • Individuals travelling into First Nation, Inuit, and Métis communities for work 


If you have questions about COVID-19 testing and isolation guidelines, please call the Provincial Testing and Isolation Information line at 1-888-777-0730.

Antiviral Treatments (Paxlovid)

COVID-19 antiviral treatments are available to those with symptoms and a positive test result (PCR or rapid antigen test) at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19.

Find out if you’re eligible for testing or antiviral treatment, or talk to your healthcare provider to learn more.


COVID, Cold, and Flu Care Clinic General Information

Do I need an appointment?


Patients can book an appointment by clicking here or calling the COVID, Cold, and Flu Care Clinic at 519-326-2373 extension 4263. Appointments take place 7 days a week, including holidays.

What happens at the COVID, Cold, and Flu Care Clinic?

When you arrive, we will take your name and health card information and the reason for your visit (clinical assessment, antiviral treatment or PCR test)

Clinical Assessment

You will be seen by either a physician or nurse practitioner. They will assess your condition, including your oxygen levels, vitals and any risk factors. Following your assessment, you may be sent home, given a prescription, or possibly referred to the Emergency Department for further evaluation.

PCR Testing

If you are eligible for a PCR test, a healthcare worker will swab your nose to obtain a sample to test you for COVID-19. To review your COVID-19 test results, please go to the Ministry of Health website. You will be required to enter your OHIP number from your green photo health card, or you can call the assessment centre after 72 hours for your results at 519-326-2373 ext 4263.


Antiviral Treatment

You will meet with a physician or nurse practitioner to determine if you qualify for antiviral treatment (paxlovid). If they determine it's the best treatment, you will receive a medical prescription.


Does the COVID, Cold, and Flu Care Clinic treat children?

Yes. All ages are welcome.

Where is this clinic located?

The clinic is located at our hospital site: 

194 Talbot Street West

Leamington, Ontario

How do I contact this clinic?

Call us at 519-326-2373 extension 4263

What are the hours of operation?

We are open Monday through Sunday from 12 pm to 6 pm.

Is parking available?

Parking is available in our lots accessible off of Fader Ave.

How do I find out my COVID-19 PCR test results?

To review your COVID-19 test results, please go to the Ministry of Health website. You will be required to enter your OHIP number from your green photo health card, or you can call the assessment centre after 72 hours for your results at 519-326-2373 ext 4263.

For hard copies. Please contact our Health Records Department.


Are Translation Services Available?

Yes. Healthcare workers in this clinic have access to translation services.